Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cancer Research:Modified DNA building blocks are cancer's Achilles heel ♦ Targeting bacteria causing ulcers may prevent stomach cancer ♦ Sound waves gently cull circulating tumor cells from blood samples

Targeting bacteria causing ulcers may prevent stomach cancer Eliminating Helicobacter pylori bacterium -- the main cause of stomach ulcers - with a short course of therapy of two commonly used medicines may help to reduce the risk of gastric cancer
Evolution, not just mutation, drives development of cancer A new article argues against the commonly held 'accumulation of mutations' model of oncogenesis in favor of a model that depends on evolutionary pressures acting on populations of cells.
Sound waves gently cull circulating tumor cells from blood samples The capture and analysis of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is a valuable tool for cancer treatment decisions and therapy monitoring. Researchers are using sound waves to isolate CTCs without physical contact or damage to the cells, assuring that their original characteristics are maintained. The contact-free nature of the method offers the potential for more precise cancer treatment and monitoring.
Common chemicals may act together to increase cancer risk, study finds Common environmental chemicals assumed to be safe at low doses may act separately or together to disrupt human tissues in ways that eventually lead to cancer.
Modified DNA building blocks are cancer's Achilles heel In studying how cells recycle the building blocks of DNA, scientists have discovered a potential therapeutic strategy for cancer. They found that normal cells have highly selective mechanisms to ensure that nucleosides -- the chemical blocks used to make new strands of DNA -- don't carry extra, unwanted chemical changes. But the scientists also found that some types of cancer cells aren't so selective. These cells incorporate chemically modified nucleosides into their DNA, which is toxic to them. The findings indicate that it might be possible to use modified nucleotides for specific killing of cancer cells.

1 comment:

  1. Father of Oncology and Cancer’s Achilles Heel. Like the mythical Greek hero Achilles, whose heel was his only vulnerable spot, the Father of Oncology now knows that cancerous cells have certain weaknesses that scientists/researchers can exploit. Ludwig Cancer Research scientists now know that modified DNA building blocks are cancer's Achilles heel. A pseudoscience is a set of ideas put forth as scientific when they are not scientific. Cancer is ubiquitous in today's society. Many dinosaurs had cancer. Their tumors were like those of human patients. Is cancer genetic? Many people mistakenly think that cancer is a disease of the genome. Some people inherit a predisposition to cancer (often to a certain form of cancer). Some scientists found that the majority of cancers are the result of bad luck rather than unhealthy lifestyles or inherited genetic faults. Cancer is a disease of iron-overloaded (iron-rich, iron-saturated) cells; cancer is big business. Cancer costs us billions of dollars. DNA molecules are composed of four nucleotides. Different forms of life have a different number of chromosomes in each cell. At the cellular level, cancer occurs when cellular iron overload chaotically affects cellular molecules and organelles (DNA, chromosomes, mitochondria, lysosomes, etc). Primary tumors always develop at body sites of excessive iron deposits. Such deposits can be inherited or acquired. Surgery (ceramic blades) can be used to remove tumors. Intratumoral injections of iron-deficiency agents (ceramic needles) are needed when tumors/metastases cannot be removed with surgery. Metastases less than 2 mm in size are referred to as micro-metastases. Personalized iron-deficiency methods (special diets, blood donations) can neutralize micro-metastases and isolated cancerous cells in hospitalized patients. ; ; ; ; Vadim Shapoval
