Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3/25/14 Health News : MUSHROOMS SOAKED IN FORMALDEHYDE ♦ Billionaires Privatizing American Science ♦ Best Healthcare Cities in U.S. ♦ 10 Overused Tests Waste Healthcare Dollars

According to a Thai Financial Post story published on Monday, the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand is urging people to thoroughly wash mushrooms before cooking them after finding that the food item is frequently soaked in formaldehyde before reaching consumers. Dr. Praphon Angtrakun, Deputy Secretary-General of the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA), revealed...Continue Reading

Billionaires With Big Ideas Are Privatizing American Science
American science, long a source of national power and pride, is increasingly becoming a private enterprise. In Washington, budget cuts have left the nation’s research complex reeling. Labs are closing. Scientists are being laid off. Projects are being put on the shelf, especially in the risky, freewheeling realm of basic research. Yet from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, science philanthropy is hot, as many of the richest Americans seek to reinvent themselves as patrons of social progress through science research. The result is a new calculus of influence and priorities that the scientific community views with a mix of gratitude and trepidation. Continue Reading

10 Best Healthcare Cities in U.S.
Ten cities have the best healthcare in the country, based on market and hospital performance for populations, according to a new report from iVantage Health Analytics.Continue Reading

10 Overused Tests Waste Healthcare Dollars

The fight against healthcare fraud, waste and abuse could be aided by targeting 10 of the most common medical tests, which collectively waste billions of healthcare dollars a year and can harm patients, according to the AARP Bulletin. These tests, which providers perform on far too many asymptomatic people, often yield false-positive results that mushroom into more unnecessary procedures and medications, noted AARP, Continue Reading

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