Thursday, January 14, 2016

Health Research: New microscopy may identify best sperm cells ♦ New tool for studying sepsis ♦ Couples' quality of life linked even when one partner dies

New tool for studying sepsis Sepsis is a very complicated and precarious condition. Research groups have now developed a way to use mass spectrometry to measure hundreds of proteins in a single blood sample. With the help of protein patterns it is then possible to determine the severity of the condition and which organs have been damaged
Couples' quality of life linked even when one partner dies When one spouse passes away, his or her characteristics continue to be linked with the surviving spouse's wellbeing.The findings also indicate that this link between the deceased spouse and surviving spouse is as strong as that between partners who are both living
New microscopy may identify best sperm cells New microscopic technology promises to be a game-changer in the field of reproductive assistance. A team of scientists has devised a new method of microscopy allowing scientists to perform clinical sperm analysis for in vitro fertilization without the use of staining, which can affect the viability of sperm samples
Largest-ever study of cornea condition reveals hidden risk factors A large new study reveals previously unknown risk factors associated with an eye condition that causes serious progressive nearsightedness at a relatively young age. The findings, made through the largest-ever clinical study of the condition called keratoconus, could help more people receive newer treatments that can slow the problem and protect their vision.

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