Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Health Research: Transcendental Meditation may reduce PTSD symptoms ♦ Long-term opioid use associated with increased risk of depression ♦ The awful anchor that lets UTIs take hold

Transcendental Meditation may reduce PTSD symptoms, medication use in active-duty personnel Regular practice of Transcendental Meditation enables some active duty service members battling post-traumatic stress disorder to reduce or even eliminate their psychotropic medication and get better control of their often-debilitating symptoms, researchers report
Long-term opioid use associated with increased risk of depression Opioids may cause short-term improvement in mood, but long-term use imposes risk of new-onset depression, a new study shows. The link was independent of the known contribution of pain to depression, and the study calls on clinicians to consider the contribution of opioid use when depressed mood develops in their patient
Revealed: The awful anchor that lets UTIs take hold The freaky, flexible coils of the UTI bacterium let it survive where others cannot. But researchers have unlocked its secrets, advancing the effort to block it from setting up shop in the urinary tract

Sedentary behavior linked to poor health in adults with severe obesity Sedentary behavior is associated with poor cardiovascular health and diabetes in adults with severe obesity, independent of how much exercise they perform, a study showed for the first time. For every hour spent sitting in 10-minute bouts, odds of diabetes increased 15 percent.

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