Friday, October 18, 2013

Italy: Drug Resistance Bacteria Found in 84% of Chicken.

A survey conducted by Altroconsumo on the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in poultry, found antibiotic resistance E Coli in 84% of samples tested. This is over Twice the antibiotic resistance found in Sweden which has a 40% rate.  
Antibiotic resistance is a serious and widespread problem, because it threatens to render ineffective important therapies against bacterial infections. It also affects the food chain, since antibiotics used by farms also spread into the environment. Thus was born the idea of making a European test to clarify the real extent of the phenomenon. They analyzed 250 samples of chicken breasts.. With the result that caused a sensation: 84% of 45 samples bought in Italy, in Milan and Rome, were found E Coli with bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

There is therefore no immediate danger, as long as the meat is well cooked and consumed ensure compliance with the normal rules of hygiene: wash your hands when handling raw meat, carefully wash cutlery and utensils used for meat and keep separate foods in the refrigerator raw and cooked.The problem is that these bacteria can pass on their mechanism of resistance to other bacteria in our bodies, "That antibiotic resistance is a serious and widespread problem: in animal husbandry is used about 50% of all antibiotics sold,in Italy for the rest of the problem is caused by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in human medicine.

As we found out in the United States, with 278 people sick from drug resistant E Coli, everyone does not follow the correct sanitary practices. Because drug resistant bacteria is harder to cure it means longer time in the hospital  with more extensive medical care.

Drug resistance is spreading to the beneficial bacteria in our gut. The beneficial bacteria can spread the resistance to harmful bacteria making the problem worse.

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