Monday, June 8, 2015

Health News:Drug residue in dairy cows ♦ Oncologist using unapproved cancer drugs ♦ Hyperbaric hope for fibromyalgia sufferers

FDA: seafood violations,drug residue in dairy cows Inadequate seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans and unacceptably high levels of antibiotic residue in the tissues of a slaughtered dairy cow were addressed in recently posted warning letters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA wrote to Foo Yuan Food Products Co. Inc. of Long Island City, NY, to
.Palm harbor oncologist accused of-deceiving medicare patients with unapproved cancer drugs An indictment unsealed June 4 revealed that an employee of East Lake Oncology in Tampa, Florida was charged April 28 with 12 counts of health care fraud and 9 counts of receiving misbranded drugs in interstate commerce for allegedly administering $700,000 worth of discounted foreign drugs unapproved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration without the knowledge of patients, and for billing Medicare for higher-priced U.S. versions
Hyperbaric hope for fibromyalgia sufferers Women who suffer from fibromyalgia benefit from a treatment regimen in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, according to researchers. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that can be accompanied by -- and perhaps related to -- other physical and mental conditions that include fatigue, cognitive impairment, irritable bowel syndrome and sleep disturbance.
Multi-tasking: Benefits on exercise Who says you can’t do two things at once and do them both well? A new study challenges the notion that multitasking causes one or both activities to suffer. In a study of older adults who completed cognitive tasks while cycling on a stationary bike, researchers found that participants’ cycling speed improved while multi-tasking with no cost to their cognitive performance.
DNA breakage underlies both learning, age-related damage The process that allows brains to learn also leads to degeneration with age, researchers have discovered. The finding could ultimately help researchers develop new approaches to preventing cognitive decline in disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

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