Thursday, November 12, 2015

Health Research: Nanotechnology advances could pave way for implantable artificial kidney ♦ Kitchen utensils can spread bacteria between foods

Research reveals main reasons why people go to work when ill High job demands, stress and job insecurity are among the main reasons why people go to work when they are ill, according to new British research. The study aims to improve understanding of the key causes of employees going to work when sick, known as presenteeism, and to help make managers more aware of the existence of the growing phenomenon, what triggers the behavior and what can be done to improve employees' health and productivity.
Racial disparities associated with living kidney donation assessed Increasing median income levels of transplant candidates' zip codes were associated with higher rates of living donation, but African American candidates living in the wealthiest neighborhoods had only slightly higher rates than rates seen among the lowest median income areas for Caucasians. African American  donors had higher rates of complications early after donation
Nanotechnology advances could pave way for implantable artificial kidney New advances in nanopore technology could lead to the development of a surgically implantable, artificial kidney.

Kitchen utensils can spread bacteria between foods Researchers have found that produce that contained bacteria would contaminate other produce items through the continued use of knives or graters -- the bacteria would latch on to the utensils commonly found in consumers' homes and spread. Unfortunately, many consumers are unaware utensils and other surfaces at home can contribute to the spread of bacteria, say the authors of a new report.

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