Friday, July 19, 2013

Should We Stop Eating Fruit & Vegetables because of Foodborne Diseases?

There was an article out yesterday that suggested that people should stop eating fruits and vegetables because 46% of foodborne disease comes from fruit and vegetables. What the article did not say is that 54% of foodborne disease comes from animal products. They did not say the we should stop eating meat.

In the United States 90 % of the people do not eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables.We definitely eat more meat than is healthy for us to eat. Each Year around 3,000 die from diseases caused by foodborne pathogens. This is nothing compared to the hundreds  of thousands of people who die from diabetes, heart attacks and other diseases caused by not eating a balanced diet. Most Americans do not get the minimum daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.They do get a lot more protein and fat than they need.

It seems scary when we read about 30 people dying from eating cantaloupe or bean sprouts but you never see a headline telling you how many people died of a heart attack. Heart attacks are common so they are not headline news where cantaloupe deaths are rare so they are front page news.

The Produce News pointed out that Americans eat one billion servings of fruit and vegetables each day. To have a healthy America we need to up that to two billion.


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