Saturday, December 5, 2015

Health News:Cannabis increases the noise in your brain ♦ A community may benefit from white lies ♦ Exposure to violence makes you more likely to lie, cheat

Exposure to violence makes you more likely to lie, cheat Can watching a violent movie make you more likely to lie, cheat or steal? What about reading a violent book? While that may seem like a stretch, a new research study shows it may be the case. The study finds that exposure to human violence is strongly linked to an increase in cheating for monetary gain
A community may benefit from white lies Researchers have demonstrated that both too much lying and complete honesty may damage social relationships.
Cannabis increases the noise in your brain Several studies have demonstrated that the primary active constituent of cannabis, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, induces transient psychosis-like effects in healthy subjects similar to those observed in schizophrenia. However, the mechanisms underlying these effects are not clear.This active ingredient increases random neural activity, termed neural noise, in the brains of healthy human subjects.Increased neural noise may play a role in the psychosis-like effects of cannabis
Affordable Care Act has reduced racial/ethnic health disparities The Affordable Care Act has significantly improved insurance coverage and use of health care for African Americans and Latinos,.

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