Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Weight Loss Research: Kitchen counter foods that relate to your weigh ♦ Obesity surgery normalizes brain opioids ♦ New study shows that varying walking pace burns more calories

New study shows that varying walking pace burns more calories Engineering researchers have found that walking at varying speeds can burn up to 20 percent more calories compared to maintaining a steady pace. The study is one of the first to measure the metabolic cost, or calories burned, of changing walking speeds
Obesity surgery normalizes brain opioids Researchers have revealed how obesity surgery recovers opioid neurotransmission in the brain. Obesity surgery provides an effective means for rapid weight loss, and the research also shows that obesity surgery also normalizes brain circuits triggering pleasurable sensations when eating
New research focused on cell signaling mechanism linked to obesity A mechanism has been identified for blocking the signal by which the cellular sodium-potassium pump amplifies oxidants (reactive oxygen species). These oxidants lead to obesity and metabolic syndrome.
The 20 lb. cereal box: Kitchen counter foods that relate to your weight Over 200 American kitchens were photographed to determine if the food sitting out on counters could predict the weight of the woman living in each home.

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