Thursday, June 20, 2013

Growth Hormone Banned in China, Russia and EU Used In US

Ractopamine is a growth hormone that is used as a feed additive to promote leanness in animals raised for their meat. In the United States It is used in our beef and pigs. Some show sheep and goats are illegally given ractopamine to enhance muscle growth. It increases the body weight and makes the meat leaner. This drug is not used in humans but some is left in the meat we eat.

There is a disagreement as to whether ractopamine is safe to use in our food. The FDA has approved its use and the World Health Organization believes it is safe. Many question this because of it’s side effects.  

In tests there were changes in the heart rate and cardiac output with in the first hour of administering ractopamine and gradually returns to normal. The Systolic blood pressure will increase while the diastolic remains the same. there is a question as to whether it is safe for people with cardiovascular disease.

All beef and pork that the United States sends to Russia must be tested to make sure it is  ractopamine free. China recently seized shipments of meat from the United States and Canada because it contained ractopamine.

It seems like more testing needs to be done to resolve ractopamine is truly safe.

1 comment:

  1. At first I wondered if the 'before" and "afters" that I saw where just people who had muscle and just dropped a bunch of fat to reveal it. human growth hormone side effects
