Thursday, June 13, 2013

United States About to Accept Viet Nam’s Food Safety Standards

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would force the U.S. and other participating countries to “harmonize” food safety standards. Basically all countries would accept the standard of the country with the lowest standards. There are 12 countries  in the agreements but others would be able to sign on later.

Under these agreements we would have to accept  imports of imported seafood beef and chicken that don’t meet our safety standards. Under two new trade agreements, currently in negotiation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be powerless to shut down imports of unsafe food or food ingredients. Labels don’t always tell you when a product is produced overseas.

Negotiations are taking place  behind closed with practically no input from food safety groups. Corporations and industry trade groups, which will benefit from the new rules, are the ones giving input on the trade bill.

We have tried something similar with NAFTA. We ended up spending millions in court to keep Canada from shipping cows to the United States after the outbreak of Mad Cow Disease. Mexico spent millions trying keep high fructose corn surip out.  Amazing how we can keep making the same mistake over and over again

Under these rules the European Union would have trouble keeping GMO’s out of Europe.
Basically the trade agreements would take away our freedoms to protect the food we eat.

Everyone has been shut out of these negotiations, including the US congress. They have been denied access to everything from early proposals to final drafts. The Obama administration is going to try to push this through without debate. Usually when the government wants to keep secrets they are doing something wrong.

It is obvious that large corporations  are running this country. It is time we take our country back. If there was ever a time to tell your congressman what you think this is it now.


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