Monday, September 28, 2015

Cancer Research: Post diagnosis aspirin improves survival in all gastrointestinal cancers ♦Drug combination improves progression-free survival in melanoma patients

Fungi may lead to cheaper cancer treatment, Cheaper anti-cancer drugs for humans might ultimately stem from a new study. Scientists have developed a kind of microbial 'bandage' that protects yew trees from disease-causing fungi. The researchers found that naturally occurring fungi in the yew's vascular system act like an immune system to swarm a wound site and protect against invading pathogens.
Drug combination improves progression-free survival in melanoma patients Patients with advanced melanoma skin cancer survive for longer without their disease progressing if they have been treated with a combination of two drugs, nivolumab and ipilimumab, than with either of these drugs alone. New results show that these patients also do better regardless of their age, stage of disease and whether or not they have a cancer-driving mutation in the BRAF gene.
Hormonal therapy may prevent ovarian failure and preserve fertility in breast cancer Young women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer may be more likely to remain fertile if they also receive hormonal treatment.
Combining 2 targeted therapies results in melanoma patients living significantly longer Latest results from a trial of a combination of two targeted therapies (dabrafenib and trametinib) to treat advanced melanoma have shown that patients are living significantly longer on the combined therapy than patients treated with another drug, vemurafenib, when used alone.
Post diagnosis aspirin improves survival in all gastrointestinal cancers, Aspirin improves survival in patients with tumors situated throughout the gastrointestinal tract, results from a large study show.

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