Sunday, October 4, 2015

Health Research: First-aid for defective mucus ♦ Drug used to treat cancer appears to sharpen memory ♦ Quit smoking to stay sobe

Search engine for more accurate, fast recognition of metabolites Metabolites are small molecules, such as sugars, fatty acids and amino acids that, among other things, serve as sources of energy in the cells and as building materials for cell walls. For researchers they are, as it were, traces of the functioning and status of cells. Now researchers have created a search engine that improves their recognition. This provides potential applications including anti-doping work, drug control by Customs and crime scene investigation.
Study's message to recovering alcoholics: Quit smoking to stay sober Adult smokers with a history of problem drinking who continue smoking are at a greater risk of relapsing three years later compared with adults who do not smoke. While treatments for alcohol abuse traditionally require concurrent treatment for problems around illicit substance use, smoking has not generally been part of alcohol or substance use treatment.
Reducing aeromedical transport for traumas saved money and lives Changes to the trauma triage protocol in Maryland resulted in decreased use of helicopter transport for trauma patients and improved patient outcomes, saving lives and money. The results of a 11-year study of the impact of statewide field triage changes to Maryland's helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) have now been released.
Drug used to treat cancer appears to sharpen memory A drug now being used to treat cancer might make it easier to learn a language, sharpen memory and help those with dementia and Alzheimer's disease by rewiring the brain and keeping neurons alive. New research found that a drug -- RGFP966 -- administered to rats made them more attuned to what they were hearing, able to retain and remember more information, and develop new connections that allowed these memories to be transmitted between brain cells.
First-aid for defective mucus Proper lubrication is crucial to keep not only machines but also humans functioning smoothly. The mucus membranes in our mouths, eyes, stomachs and genital area help keep friction to a minimum and also protect us against environmental hazards such as chemicals and pathogens. Researchers are investigating exactly how these mechanisms work.

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