Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2/10/15 Health News:Psychedelic drug prevents asthma ♦ Five babies at Chicago daycare center have measles ♦ doctors over prescribing painkillers ♦ Microbiome linked to type 1 diabetes

Psychedelic drug prevents asthma development in mice
Researchers have found that a psychedelic drug, (R)-DOI, prevents the development of allergic asthma in a mouse model. The effects are potent and effective at a concentration 50-100 times less than would influence behavior. Continue Reading
Five babies at suburban Chicago daycare center have measles:
A KinderCare Learning Center in Chicago underwent a deep cleaning February 4 and officials urged all unvaccinated children and staff who may have been exposed to the measles to keep away from the center Continue Reading
Opioid and heroin crisis triggered by doctors over prescribing painkillers
Researchers say policymakers must look beyond painkiller abuse in their efforts to reduce opioid overdose deaths. New research reframes the heroin and prescription drug abuse problem as a wave of opioid addiction caused by over prescribing of painkillers by doctors.Continue Reading
Carnivorous mushroom reveals immune trick: How we punch into cancer cells
Edible oyster mushrooms have an intriguing secret: They eat spiders and roundworms. And they do so using proteins that can punch their way into cells, leaving tidy but deadly holes. It's a trick that our immune cells also use to protect us, destroying infected cells, cancerous cells, and bacteria Continue Reading
Microbiome linked to type 1 diabetes: Shift in microbiome species diversity prior to disease onset

In the largest longitudinal study of the microbiome to date, researchers have identified a connection between changes in gut microbiota and the onset of type 1 diabetes. The study, which followed infants who were genetically predisposed to the condition, found that onset for those who developed the disease was preceded by a drop in microbial diversity -- including a disproportionate decrease in the number of species known to promote health in the gut.Continue Reading

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