Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2/4/15 Health News:‘Adulterated Herbal Supplements ♦ Fostering community of 'good' bacteria ♦ New treatment for rabies ♦ Sugary drinks linked to earlier menstrual periods


The New York Attorney General’s office has ordered four major retailers — Walmart, Target, Walgreens and GNC — to stop selling “adulterated” and “mislabeled” herbal supplements that independent lab tests show do not contain ingredients as stated on the labels. NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters  Continue Reading

Immune system promotes digestive health by fostering community of 'good' bacteria

1.4 million Americans suffer from uncomfortable abdominal cramping and diarrhea that come with inflammatory bowel disease. The condition is associated with an imbalance among the thousands of species of 'good' bacteria that inhabit the gut. A new study demonstrates that a component of the immune system, MyD88, coordinates a host immune response that promotes a healthy colony of good bacteria, and digestive health. Continue Reading

Hospitals helping violence victims could save millions

In the first systematic look at the economic outcomes of hospital-based violence intervention, researchers demonstrate that, in addition to transforming victims' lives, these programs may indeed save a significant amount of money , in various sectors including healthcare and criminal justice,  Continue Reading

Beating the clock: researchers develop new treatment for rabies

Those who suffer a bite from a rabid animal have a brief window of time to seek medical help before the virus takes root in the central nervous system, at which point the disease is almost invariably fatal. Now, researchers have successfully tested a treatment on mice that cures the disease even after the virus has spread to the brain  Continue Reading:
Sugary drinks linked to earlier onset of menstrual periods

Girls who frequently consume sugary drinks tend to start their menstrual periods earlier than girls who do not, according to new research. The findings are important not only because of the growing problem of childhood obesity in a number of developed countries, but also because starting periods earlier is linked to an increased risk of breast cancer later in life. Continue Reading

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