Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pregnancy Research: Pacemaker designed for fetal use ♦ Mother's diet influences weight-control neural circuits in offspring ♦ Effects of smoking seen in unborn babies

First fully-implantable micro pacemaker designed for fetal use The first fully implantable micro pacemaker designed for use in a fetus with complete heart block has been designed by researchers. The investigators anticipate the first human use of the device in the near future.
Mother's diet influences weight-control neural circuits in offspring Maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation may prime offspring for weight gain and obesity later in life, according to researchers who looked at rats whose mothers consumed a high-fat diet and found that the offspring's feeding controls and feelings of fullness did not function normally.
High-definition scans suggest effects of smoking seen in unborn babies The harmful effects of smoking during pregnancy may be reflected in the facial movements of mothers' unborn babies, new research has suggested. The researchers say that the reason for this might be that the fetal central nervous system, did not develop at the same rate and in the same manner as in fetuses of mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy
Research on medical abortion, miscarriage may change international routines Two scientific studies are expected to form the basis of new international recommendations for the treatment of medical abortions and miscarriages. One of the studies shows that it is possible to replace the clinical follow-up examinations recommended today with medical abortions that include a home pregnancy test. The other study shows that midwives can safely and effectively treat failed abortions and miscarriages in rural districts of Uganda.

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