Thursday, July 23, 2015

Autism Research: A cause of mental retardation, autism discovered ♦ Medical odyssey of an undiagnosed child ♦ Autism, ADHD run high in children of chemically intolerant mothers

A cause of mental retardation, autism discovered The term intellectual disability covers a large number of clinical entities, some with known cause and others of uncertain origin. For example Down syndrome is due to an extra copy of chromosome 21 and Rett syndrome is in part caused by a mutation in the control switch gene called MeCP2. In other cases the mechanisms by which they are produced are not clearly identified. Now a research team has discovered a mechanism that identifies a cause of intellectual disabilities in these puzzling cases.
Autism, ADHD run high in children of chemically intolerant mothers Mothers with chemical intolerances are two to three times more likely than other women to have a child with a autism spectrum disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a new study
Medical odyssey of an undiagnosed child For parents of children with ADNP-related autism syndrome, the mystery surrounding their infants' suffering can be even more agonizing than the syndrome itself, which has no known cure. Recent research is easing some of that agony.
Low levels of hormone linked to social deficit in autism, A brain-chemistry deficit in children with autism may help to explain their social difficulties, according to new findings. The research team found a correlation between low levels of vasopressin, a hormone involved in social behavior, and the inability of autistic children to understand that other people's thoughts and motivations can differ from their own.
Increasing prevalence of autism is due, in part, to changing diagnoses The greater than three-fold increase in autism diagnoses among students in special education programs in the United States between 2000 and 2010 may be due, in large part, to the reclassification of individuals who previously would have been diagnosed with other intellectual-disability disorders.

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