Sunday, July 26, 2015

Health News: Taiwan: Honey Tainted With Tetracycline ♦ India has contamination in bottled water and milk ♦ Clear connection between wireless devices and cancer

Taiwan: Honey Tainted With Tetracycline The  Lan chain, which had reported the tainted products to the authorities, had already removed from its shelves the honey that contained tetracycline — a common antibiotic that is not allowed for use on bees — as of Friday before the arrival of inspectors.
India has contamination in bottled water and milk It's not noodles and pasta contamination alone that is catching the attention of the food regulators. Widespread adulteration and wrong labeling have been found in bottled water and milk tested across India as well. Chandigarh, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are among the top offenders in selling contaminated or fake bottled water.
Know it's a placebo? Study shows the 'medicine' could still work A new study shows that under certain conditions, research participants who know a treatment they are receiving to ease pain is a placebo with no medical value, it still works.
Clear connection between wireless devices and cancer A metabolic imbalance caused by radiation from your wireless devices could be the link to a number of health risks, such as various neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, a recent study suggests.
Attention-control video game curbs combat vets' PTSD symptoms A computerized attention-control training program significantly reduced combat veterans' preoccupation with - or avoidance of -- threat and attendant PTSD symptoms. By contrast, another type of computerized training, called attention bias modification - which has proven helpful in treating anxiety disorders - did not reduce PTSD symptoms.

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