Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Food Research: Food recalls have nearly doubled since 2002 ♦ Elderberry benefits air travelers ♦ Foods with added phosphate cause spike in blood,

Food recalls have nearly doubled since 2002 The number of U.S. food products recalled — and the costs associated with those recalls — have nearly doubled since 2002, according to a report by Swedish reinsurance company Swiss Re. In more than half of those recalls, the process of recalling the food cost the affected company more than $10 million.
Elderberry benefits air travelers Intercontinental air travel can be stressful and affect a passenger's physical and psychological well being. Whilst jet lag and fatigue remain the best known problems, they also often experience upper respiratory symptoms. The negative health effects of international air travel are well documented but now it seems that the common elderberry can provide some relief.
Foods with added phosphate cause spike in blood, even in people with healthy kidneys Phosphates artificially added to dairy and cereal products appear to cause bigger spikes in blood phosphorus levels than naturally occurring phosphates, potentially putting harmful stress on kidneys. Too much dietary phosphate stiffens blood vessels, enlarges the heart and is bad for bones, but a new study suggests it matters where the phosphates come from.

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