Sunday, May 31, 2015

Cancer Research: Pinpointing natural cancer drug's true origins ♦ Controlling typhoid bacterium key to prevent gallbladder cancer♦ Colorectal cancer genetically different in younger patients

Pinpointing natural cancer drug's true origins For decades, scientists have known that ET-743, a compound extracted from a marine invertebrate called a mangrove tunicate, can kill cancer cells. By analyzing the genome of the tunicate along with the microbes that live inside it using advanced sequencing techniques, researchers have been able to isolate the genetic blueprint of the ET-743's producer--which turns out to be a type of bacteria
State regulations for indoor tanning could lead to a national regulatory framework A national regulatory framework designed to prevent and limit indoor tanning is needed to alleviate the cancer burden and reduce the billions in financial costs from preventable skin cancer.
Controlling typhoid bacterium key to prevent gallbladder cancer in India and Pakistan Controlling typhoid fever could dramatically reduce the risk of gallbladder cancer in India and Pakistan. The findings establish the causal link between the bacterial infection and gallbladder cancer, explaining why this type of cancer is rare in the West but common in India and Pakistan, where typhoid fever is endemic.
Phase 2 trial identifies genetic dysfunction that makes many types of cancer vulnerable to an immunotherapy Researchers have identified a genetic malfunction that predicts the effectiveness of response to a groundbreaking immunotherapy. The results of their Phase 2 clinical trial reveal that, regardless of its tissue of origin, tumors whose cells are deficient in repairing mismatched DNA sequences--and so preventing mutations--are far more susceptible to pembrolizumab than those that retain this ability.
Colorectal cancer genetically different in older and younger patients While the overall rate of colorectal cancer (CRC) is declining, CRC specifically among young patients is increasing. Previous studies have shown that CRC in patients younger than 50 years old tends to be more aggressive than CRC in older patients. A new study offers early evidence of genetic differences between CRC in young and old patients, possibly pointing toward different treatments and strategies in combating the young form of the disease.

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