Monday, May 18, 2015

Pulmonary Research: Electronic cigarette flavorings alter lung function ♦ Aspirin use may slow progression of early emphysema ♦New combination of drugs treat cystic fibrosis

Regular aspirin use may slow progression of early emphysema Regular use of aspirin may help slow the progression of early emphysema, a study shows
Shorter stature appears to lead to higher mortality rates, longer waiting times for lung transplantation Lung transplant candidates who are about 5’3” or shorter have longer waiting times than taller candidates and are more likely to die within a year while waiting for a lung transplan
Promising research trials find new combination of drugs treat underlying cause of most common form of cystic fibrosis Results from clinical trials show that a new combination of medications can successfully treat the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis for patients 12 and older with two copies of the F508del gene mutation -- the most common form of the life-threatening, genetic disease found in over half of the CF population.
Electronic cigarette flavorings alter lung function at the cellular level Certain flavorings used in electronic cigarette liquid may alter important cellular functions in lung tissue, according to new research. These changes in cell viability, cell proliferation, and calcium signaling are flavor-dependent. Coupling these results with chemicals identified in each flavor could prove useful in identifying flavors or chemical constituents that produce adverse effects in users.
Revising guidelines for testosterone testing could more accurately diagnose deficiency Some men suffering from testosterone deficiency may be missed under current clinical guidelines while others are misdiagnosed with testosterone deficiencys. The researchers call for a revision of the clinical guidelines to ensure that men are receiving the best possible care.

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