Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Brain Research: Calcium channel essential for deep sleep ♦ High blood pressure linked to reduced Alzheimer's risk ♦ Small RNAs found to play important roles in memory formation

High blood pressure linked to reduced Alzheimer's risk, meds may be reason People with a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure have a lower risk for Alzheimer's disease. However, authors conclude the connection may have more to do with anti-hypertension medication than high blood pressure itself.
Calcium channel essential for deep sleep identified A specific calcium channel plays a crucial role in deep, slow-wave sleep, scientists have discovered. This is a key step toward understanding both normal and abnormal waking brain functions.
Two techniques of temporal migraine surgery are 'equally effective' Two migraine surgery techniques targeting a specific "trigger site" are both highly effective in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine headaches, according to a randomized trial.
Patients with recurrent depression have smaller hippocampus The brains of people with recurrent depression have a significantly smaller hippocampus -- the part of the brain most associated with forming new memories.
Small RNAs found to play important roles in memory formation A type of genetic material called “microRNA” plays surprisingly different roles in the formation of memory in animal models, researchers have found. In some cases, these RNAs increase memory, while others decrease it.

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