Saturday, July 11, 2015

Health news:Microwaving food in plastic may be hurting your health ♦ What makes us more likely to take the stairs? ♦ Hospital re admissions for sepsis are highly common

Microwaving food in plastic may be hurting your health If you’re about to nuke your leftovers in a plastic container, you might want to dirty another dish. When heated, harmful chemicals in plastic can leech into your food, potentially increasing your risk of high blood pressure and insulin resistance. This is concerning because hypertension and insulin resistance, which is closely linked to pre diabetes, are risk factors for type 2 diabetes.
Faster weight gain can be safe for hospitalized anorexia patients A new study of patients hospitalized with anorexia nervosa shows that a faster weight gain during inpatient treatment — well beyond what national standards recommend — is safe and effective.
Hospital re admissions for sepsis are highly common, extremely costly The Affordable Care Act created several national initiatives aimed at reducing hospital readmission rates for heart attacks, congestive heart failure and other common high-risk conditions. But there is still no national program to address sepsis, a potentially life-threatening illness caused by infection. New research finds that sepsis accounts for roughly the same percentage of hospital readmissions in California as heart attacks and congestive heart failure.
Scientists separate medical benefits of cannabis from 'unwanted' side effects Scientists have found a way to separate medical benefits of cannabis from its unwanted side effects. The research was carried out in mice, but it is hoped that the breakthrough will pave the way for safe cannabis-based therapies that do not cause alterations in mood, perception or memory. Last year the team discovered how the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, known as THC, reduces tumor growth in cancer patients
What makes us more likely to take the stairs? Can pedestrians be convinced to make healthy choices when an escalator seems so much faster and more convenient than a staircase? Yes: you just have to make sure that the stairs are far, far away from the escalator.

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