Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Health Research: Altering genes with the aid of light ♦ More sex doesn't lead to increased happiness ♦ Full body scanner helps diagnose skin conditions

Researchers sound out scaffolds for eardrum replacement Tiny, complex scaffolds that mimic the intricate network of collagen fibers that form the human eardrum have been created by an international team of researchers. It is hoped the scaffolds can be used to replace eardrums when they become severely damaged, reducing the need for patients to have their own tissue used in reconstruction surgery.
Detecting skin cancer quickly: Full body scanner helps diagnose skin conditions Melanoma is aggressive and life-threatening. If it is not detected early, the prospects of recovery drop. Screening is complicated, though. Together with several project partners, researchers have developed an assistance system that helps dermatologists with diagnosis.
Altering genes with the aid of light Scientists have been manipulating genes for a while. Now researchers have found a way to control the process with higher precision, by using light.
Master orchestrator of the genome is discovered, stem cell scientists report  New research shows how a single growth factor receptor protein programs the entire genome. The study provides evidence that it all begins with a single "master" growth factor receptor that regulates the entire genome.
More sex doesn't lead to increased happiness Countless research and self-help books claim that having more sex will lead to increased happiness, based on the common finding that those having more sex are also happier. Scientists now report that simply having more sex did not make couples happier, in part because the increased frequency led to a decline in wanting for and enjoyment of sex.

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